Mean, standard deviation and range for demographic information

Data retention number and rates for each task. All percentages are based on children who had enough data for inclusion on the highest yield variable

Illustration of the tasks. a) Gap overlap task, showing baseline (A), overlap (B) and gap (C) conditions; b) non-social contingency task; c) reversal learning task, showing the attention-getter (A) and learning (B) and reversal (C) phases; d) working memory task, showing the object appearing (A), moving under a curtain (B), central attention-getter (C), then choice of curtain (D) and revealing of reward (E); e) visual search task pop out task, showing the target (A),single (B) and conjunctive (C) search conditions; f) pop-out task; g) dancing ladies task in both unscrambled (A) and scrambled (B) conditions; h) fifty faces video task.

Raincloud plots for (a) precision and (b) accuracy of eye-tracking in the whole sample. All raincloud plots in this paper were based on Allen et al. (2021).

Structual Equation Model of the structure of visual attention within the current eyetracking battery. Although our original model with three factors (a) provided a good fit to the data, it was not significantly better than a model with two latent variables representing social and non-social attention (b).