Incorporation of Cy3-dUTP in HeLa cell nuclei labels the whole genome randomly and with equal probability.
(A)Schematic illustration of the labeling system for monitoring chromatin mobility and cell cycle progression. During S-phase, PCNA accumulates within the nucleus at sites of active DNA replication and exhibits a distinct puncta pattern. During G1 and G2, GFP-PCNA is diffusely distributed throughout the nucleus. Asynchronously growing populations of cells were exposed to electroporation to promote the uptake of Cy3-dUTP. In cells undergoing DNA replication, this fluorescent nucleotide is incorporated into nascent DNA strands at sites of active DNA replication, resulting in the direct fluorescent labeling of genomic segments. Based on the PCNA pattern, different cell cycle stages can be differentiated as shown in the image on the right (Se-Early S, Sm-Mid S, SL-Late S, G1/G2-Gap phases, Green - PCNA). (B) After Cy3-dUTP labeling, cells were followed by time lapse microscopy to identify the cell cycle (sub)stages and their progression. The representative images of different cells using time lapse microscopy were shown to depict the patterns of PCNA in each substage and their change over time. This was used to classify cells in G1, S and G2 phases of the cell cycle for motion analysis. Approximately 18 to 24 hours after nucleotide electroporation, Cy3-dUTP-labeled cells were imaged for motion analysis (see also movies 1,2,3). Scale bar: 5 µm.