Conditional deletion of Nlgn1-3 in astrocytes starting at P1 does not alter excitatory or inhibitory synapse numbers in the hippocampus as assessed by immunocytochemistry with antibodies to synaptic markers
(A) Representative images of CA1 and dentate gyrus hippocampal sections from astrocyte Nlgn1-3 cKO and littermate control mice, injected with tamoxifen at P1 and sacrificed at P35, stained for dendritic marker MAP2 (magenta), excitatory presynaptic marker vGluT1 (red), excitatory postsynaptic marker Homer1 (green), and DAPI (blue), taken at 20X (top) and 60X (bottom) magnification.
(B) Quantification of total vGluT1 (top) and Homer1 (bottom) immunofluorescence signal for low magnification imaging (20X) across the layers of the hippocampus (S. oriens, S. pyramidale, S. radiatum, S. lacunosum-moleculare, dentate gyrus molecular layer), first internally normalized to MAP2 and then to average vGluT1 (top) or Homer1 (bottom) immunofluorescence level in S. oriens of control mice.
(C) Quantification of total vGluT1 (top) and Homer1 (bottom) immunofluorescence signal for high magnification imaging (60X) in the CA1 S. pyramidale (left) and S. radiatum (right), first internally normalized to MAP2 and then to average vGluT1 (top) or Homer1 (bottom) immunofluorescence level in control mice.
(D) Representative images of CA1 and dentate gyrus hippocampal sections from astrocyte Nlgn1-3 cKO and littermate control mice stained for dendritic marker MAP2 (magenta), excitatory presynaptic marker vGluT2 (red), excitatory postsynaptic marker Homer1 (green), and DAPI (blue), taken at 20X (top) and 60X (bottom) magnification.
(E) Quantification of total vGluT2 immunofluorescence signal for low magnification imaging (20X) across the layers of the hippocampus, first internally normalized to MAP2 and then to average vGluT2 immunofluorescence level in S. oriens of control mice.
(F) Quantification of total vGluT2 (top) and Homer1 (bottom) immunofluorescence signal for high magnification imaging (60X) in the CA1 S. lacunosum-moleculare (left) and dentate gyrus molecular layer (right), first internally normalized to MAP2 and then to average vGluT2 (top) or Homer1 (bottom) immunofluorescence level in control mice.
(G) Representative images of CA1 and dentate gyrus hippocampal sections from astrocyte Nlgn1-3 cKO and littermate control mice stained for dendritic marker MAP2 (magenta), inhibitory postsynaptic marker Gephyrin (red), inhibitory presynaptic marker GAD67 (green), and DAPI (blue), taken at 20X (top) and 60X (bottom) magnification.
(H) Quantification of total Gephyrin (top) and GAD67 (bottom) immunofluorescence signal for low magnification imaging (20X) across the layers of the hippocampus, first internally normalized to MAP2 and then to average Gephyrin (top) or GAD67 (bottom) immunofluorescence level in S. oriens of control mice.
(I) Quantification of puncta density for Gephyrin (top left), GAD67 (bottom left), Gephyrin having GAD67 (top right), and GAD67 having Gephyrin (bottom right) for high magnification imaging (60X) in the CA1 S. radiatum.
Data are means ± SEM with statistical significance determined by unpaired two-tailed t-test (n=4, 2 male & 2 female).