Predictors of choice in the approach-avoidance reinforcement learning task.
a, Coefficients from the mixed-effects logistic regression of trial-by-trial choices in the task. On any given trial, participants chose the option that was more likely to produce a reward. They also avoided choosing the conflict option when it was more likely to produce the punishment. Task-induced anxiety significantly interacted with punishment probability. Significance levels are shown according to the following: p < 0.05 - *; p < 0.05 - **; p < 0.001 - ***. b, Subjective ratings of task- induced anxiety, given on a scale from ‘Not at all’ (0) to ‘Extremely’ (50). c, On each trial, participants were likely to choose the option with greater probability of producing the reward. d, Participants tended to avoid the conflict option when it was likely to produce a punishment. e, Compared to individuals reporting lower anxiety during the task, individuals experiencing greater anxiety showed greater avoidance of the conflict option, especially when it was more likely to produce the punishment. Note. Figures c-e show logistic curves fitted to the raw data using the ‘glm’ function in R. For visualisation purposes, we categorised continuous task-induced anxiety into tertiles. We show linear curves here since these effects were estimated as linear effects in the logistic regression models, however the raw data showed non-linear trends – see Supplementary Figure 15.