Core gene transcriptome analysis of ex vivo and short-term in vitro cultured samples.
Core gene expression was assessed for paired ex vivo (n=13), generation 1 (n=13), generation 2 (n=10) and generation 3 (n=1) parasite samples. Subread align was used, as in the original analysis, to align the reads to the human genome and P. falciparum 3D7 genome, with var, rif, stevor, surf and rRNA genes removed. HTSeq count was used to quantify gene counts. a) PCA plot of log2 normalized read counts. Points are coloured by their generation (ex vivo: purple, generation 1: red, generation 2: green, and generation 3: blue) and labelled by their patient identity. b) Volcano plot showing extent and significance of up-or down-regulation of core gene expression in ex vivo (n=13) compared with paired generation 1 cultured parasites (n=13) and c) in ex vivo (n=10) compared with paired generation 2 cultured parasites (n=10). Dots in red and blue represent those genes with P < 0.05 after Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment for FDR, red and green dots label genes with absolute log2 fold change log2FC in expression >= 2). Accordingly, genes with a log2FC > = 2 represent those upregulated in generation 1 parasites and genes with a log2FC <= –2 represent those downregulated in generation 1 parasites. Normalized read counts of the core gene analysis were adjusted for life cycle stage, derived from the mixture model approach.