Investigation of CNGCs and RBOHs in the abscission process
a, Relative expression of CNGC1, CNGC2, CNGC4, CNGC5, CNGC6, CNGC9, CNGC12, RBOHD and RBOHF in the floral organs during the onset of abscission (Cai and lashbrook 2008). X-axis represents the developmental stages of abscission where position 12 represent flowers where the stamen and petals are of the same length, position 13 represent flowers at anthesis, position 15 represent flowers with stigma extended above the anthers. Floral organ abscission occurs at position 15. Relative expression of HAE and HSL2 added for comparison. Nomenclature for the abscission process and relative expression values taken from (Cai and Lashbrook 2008). b, No floral organ abscission phenotype is observed in the single cngc mutant plants compared to the hae hsl2 mutant which retains the floral organ indefinitely. Scale bar = 2cm, 5 weeks old plants. c, ROS production in the AZ (white arrow head) detected by using the fluorescent dye H2DCF-DA in WT and rbohd rbohf flowers at position 6 (See Supplementary Fig. 5a for positions). Scale bar = 100 µm, maximum intensity projections of z-stacks. Representative pictures from 9 flowers. d, Representative pictures of WT and rbohd rbohf inflorescences, scale bar for inflorescences = 1 cm. e, Petal break strength (pBS) measurements of WT and the rbohd rbohf mutant at position 1-6 along the inflorescence. Force required to remove petals from the receptacle represented in gram equivalent. * = significantly different from WT at the given position (p < 0.05, student t-test, two tailed).