Binding of SIRT6 to the nucleosome
a, Close up view on zinc-finger interactions with the acidic patch. Color code as in Fig 1. b, Protein sequence alignment of human sirtuins. Red boxes and asterisks depict the residues of SIRT6 interacting with the acidic patch of the nucleosome. c, Protein sequence alignment of SIRT6 from different species highlighting the same amino acids as in panel b. Organisms: mm Mus musculus, rn Rattus norvegicus, bt Bos taurus, hs Homo sapiens and cc Castor canadensis. d, Depiction of the 3 arginines of SIRT6 (magenta) interacting with the DNA (grey). e, H2A c-terminal tail (yellow) interacts with SIRT6(magenta). f, SIRT6 binding to H2A or H2AZ containing nucleosomes. Bars show the fraction of residual nucleosomes that did not shift with bound SIRT6 in an electron-mobility shift assay (Supplemental Fig. 7). Bars represent mean ± SD of three biological replicates (shown as dots). ** indicates a statistically significant difference between the fraction of residual H2A and H2A.Z containing nucleosomes (P=0.0016 in paired t-test).