The two ensembles are informative about their temporal history and can be decoded using two output neurons.
a) Correlation of the patterns of activity between the first day and every other days, for the first assembly (red) and the second assembly (green). b) Student’s test t-value of the ordinal time decoder, for the first (red, left) and second ensemble (green, right) for different amplitudes of excitability E. Shuffled data are shown in orange. c) Center of mass of the distribution of the output weights (Methods) across days for the first (, red) and second (, green) ensemble. a-c) Data are shown as mean ±s.e.m. for n = 10 simulations. d) Output neurons firing rate across time for the first ensemble (y1, top) and the second ensemble (y2, bottom). The red and green traces correspond to the real output. The dark blue, light blue and yellow traces correspond to the cases where the output weights were randomly shuffled for every time points after presentation of the first, second and third stimulus, respectively.