The P2RX7/NLRP3/IL-18 pathway in immune cells is required for HEI3090’s antifibrotic effect
(A) Experimental design. p2rx7-/-mice were given 3.106 WT, nlrp3-/-or il18-/-splenocytes i.v. one day prior to BLM delivery (i.n. 2.5 U/kg). Mice were treated daily i.p. with 1.5 mg/kg HEI3090 or vehicle for 14 days. (B,D,F) Representative images of lung sections at day 14 after treatment stained with H&E and Sirius Red, scale bar= 100 µm. Fibrosis score assessed by the Ashcroft method of adoptive transfer of WT splenocytes, (E) nlrp3-/-splenocytes and (G) il18-/-splenocytes. (H) IL-18 levels in sera of WT BLM-induced mice at day 14 (I) Ratio of IFN-γ over IL-17A in lung T cells (CD3+NK1.1-) of WT mice neutralized for IL-18 or not (isotype control) every 3 days. Each point represents one mouse, two-tailed Mann-Whitney test, *p < 0.05. WT: Wildtype, BLM: bleomycin, i.p.: intraperitoneal, i.n.: intranasal, i.v.: intravenous, H&E: hematoxylin & eosin.