Figures and data

ISNs relay information to the Pars Intercerebralis
(A) Temporal consumption assay screen for water ingestion using RNAi targeting different neurotransmitter pathways. UAS-RNAi + or - ISN-Gal4. RNAi against: nSynaptobrevin (nSyb), tryptophan hydroxylase (TRH), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), tyrosine beta-hydroxylase (TBH), histamine decarboxylase (HDC), vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT), glutamic acid decarboxy-lase 1 (GAD1), dopa decarboxy-lase (DDC), Drosophila vesicular glutamate transporter (DVGlut), short neuropeptide F (sNPF), vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT), Tyrosine decarboxylase 2 (TDC2), Drosophila insulin like peptide 1 (dILP1), Drosophila insulin like peptide 2 (dILP2), Drosophila insulin like peptide 3 (dILP3), Drosophila insulin like peptide 4 (dILP4), Drosophila insulin like peptide 5 (dILP5), Drosophila insulin like peptide 6 (dILP6), Drosophila insulin like peptide 7 (dILP7). Represented are the mean, and the 10-90 percen-tile; data was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by multiple comparisons against the RNAi control; p-values were adjusted using False Discovery Rate. n=8-39 animals/genotype except nSyb positive control (70-72). (B) Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water using RNAi targeting dILP3 or amontillado in ISNs. Sucrose assay: Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison tests against ISN control and respective RNAi control. Water assay: ANOVA, Šídák’s multiple comparison test to ISN control and respective RNAi control. n=48-52 animals/genotype. (C) ISNs reconstruction from FAFB volume. (D) Light microscopy image of ISN-Gal4 regis-tered to JFRC2010. (E) ISN postsynaptic neurons based on synapse predictions using FAFB volume (Zheng et al. 2018) and connectome annotation versioning engine (CAVE, Buhmann et al. 2021, Heinrich et al. 2018). Left: 10 postsynaptic neurons, right: postsynaptic neurons BiT, Cowboy, Handshake and DSOG1. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001 deprived flies (Figure 1A). As decreasing activity of the ISNs increases water ingestion (Jourjine, Mullaney et al., 2016), we anticipated that an RNAi against the ISN neurotransmitter would decrease neurotransmission and increase water ingestion.

ISNs inhibit BiT, which oppositely regulates sugar and water ingestion
(A) BiT neuron reconstruction from FAFB dataset. (B) Light microscopy image of BiT split-Gal4. (C) Experimental setup for in vivo voltage imaging. We expressed the light sensitive ion channel Chrimson in the ISNs and optogenetically stimulated them with 660nm LED. We expressed the voltage sensor ArcLight in BiT and imaged it with a 2 photon microscope. (D) ArcLight response of BiT soma to 2s optogenetic stimulation of the ISNs or (E) 30s optogenetic stimulation of the ISNs. Left: Scatter plot shows mean +/- SEM of all flies imaged, gray bars represent LED stimulation. Right: Quantification of mean fluorescence intensity before stim (off) and during stim (on), each dot represents one fly. Paired Wilcoxon and paired t-test (Stim 2, p=0.07). n=7 flies. (F) Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water during acute optogenetic activation of BiT with Chrimson. Ingestion time of females exposed to light normalized to dark controls of indicated genotype. Sucrose: Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple comparison test. Water: One-way ANOVA with Holm-Šídák multiple comparison test. n=44-54 animals/genotype.(G) Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water using RNAi targeting nSyb in BiT. Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparison test. n=45-57 animals/genotype. (H) Neural model for BiT coordination of sucrose and water intake. Dashed lines indicate inactive synapses. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001

BiT postsynaptic neurons include neuroendocrine cells
(A) Distribution of synaptic output from BiT divided by cell class or brain region. Total of 1742 synapses from BiT and 93 postsynaptic partners. IPCs (18 neurons) receive 25.37% of all BiT output, Lgr3/FLAa3 (12 neurons) 15.56%, SMP and SLP (20 neurons) 15.5%, CCHa2R-RA (4 neurons) 13.09%, SMP and SEZ (19 neurons) 11.65%, Antler (2 neurons) 5.97%, visual projections (4 neurons) 3.85%, fan shaped body (4 neurons) 3.33%, Gallinule (5 neurons) 3.21%, SEZ (5 neurons) 2.47%. Only post-synaptic partners with 5 or more synapses were considered for this analysis. Reconstruction of IPCs (B), Lgr3/FLAa3 neurons (C), neurons innervating the SMP and SLP (D), CCHa2R-RA neurons (E), neurons innervating the SMP and SEZ (F), Antler neurons (G),visual projection neurons (H), neurons innervating the fan shaped body (I), Gallinule neurons (J), and neurons innervating the SEZ (K).

CCHa2R-RA neurons regulate water but not sugar ingestion and are likely inhibited by BiT
(A) CCHa2R-RA neurons reconstruction from FAFB dataset. (B) Light microscopy image of CCHa2R-RA-Gal4. (C) Experimental setup for in vivo calcium imaging. We expressed the light sensitive ion channel Chrimson in the ISNs and optogenetically stimulated them with 660nm LED. We expressed the calcium sensor GCaMP in the CCHa2R-RA neurons and imaged them with a 2 photon microscope. (D) Calcium responses of CCHa2R-RA neurites in SEZ to 2s optogenetic stimulation of the ISNs or (E) 30s optogenetic stimulation of the ISNs. Left: Scatter plot shows mean +/- SEM of all flies imaged, gray bars represent LED stimulation. Right: Quantification of mean fluorescence intensity before stim (off) and during stim (on), each dot represents one fly. Paired t-test and paired Wilcoxon test. n=10 flies. (F) Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water during acute optoge-netic activation of CCHa2R-RA neurons with Chrimson. Ingestion time of females exposed to light normalized to dark controls of indicated genotype. Sucrose: Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparison test. Water: One-way ANOVA with Holm-Šídák multiple comparison test. n=42-47 animals/genotype. (G) Temporal consump-tion assay for 1M sucrose or water using RNAi targeting nSyb in CCHa2R-RA neurons. Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparison test. n=45-54 animals/genotype. (H) Neural model for CCHa2R-RA regulation of water intake. Dashed lines indicate inactive synapses. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

CCAP neurons are downstream of the ISNs and oppositely regulate sugar and water ingestion
(A) CCAP neurons reconstruction from FAFB dataset. (B) Light microscopy image of CCAP-Gal4. (C) Experimental setup for in vivo calcium imaging. We expressed the light sensitive ion channel Chrimson in the ISNs and optogeneti-cally stimulated them with 660nm LED. We expressed the calcium sensor GCaMP in the CCAP neurons and imaged them with a 2 photon microscope. (D) Calcium response of CCAP neurites to 2s optogenetic stimulation of the ISNs or (E) 30s optogenetic stimulation of the ISNs. Left: Scatter plot shows mean +/- SEM of all flies imaged, gray bars represent LED stimulation. Right: Quantification of mean fluorescence intensity before stim (off) and during stim (on), each dot represents one fly. Paired t-test. n=10 flies. (F) Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water during acute optogenetic activation of CCAP neurons with Chrimson. Ingestion time of females exposed to light normalized to dark controls of indicated genotype. Sucrose: Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparison test, Water: One-way ANOVA with Holm-Šídák multiple comparison test. n=42-48 animals/genotype. (G) Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water using RNAi targeting nSyb in CCAP neurons. Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparison test. n=45-54 animals/genotype. (H) Neural model for CCAP coordination of sugar and water intake. Dashed lines indicate inactive synapses. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

ISN regulation of sugar and water ingestion model
Hunger signals activate the ISN while thirst signals inhibit the ISNs. ISNs use dILP3 as a neurotransmit-ter and require amontillado (amon) for neuropeptide processing. ISN activity inhibits BiT, which in turn inhibits CCHa2R-RA neurons. CCAP neurons are downstream of the ISNs, connected via Cowboy, VESAa1, BiT2 and CCHa2R-RA neurons. BiT activity inhibits sugar ingestion and promotes water ingestion. CCAP activity promotes sugar modulates sugar and water ingestion modulates water ingestion functionally validated inhibitory synapse EM predicted synapse ingestion and inhibits water ingestion. CCHa2R-RA activity inhibits water ingestion.

ISN postsynaptic partners

BiT postsynaptic neurons

CCAP presynaptic partners

Fly genotypes in figures

ISN postsynaptic partners labeled by trans-Tango and EM
(A) Expression of trans-Tango ligand in the ISNs (green) and postsynaptic partners (PSPs) (magenta). nc82 staining in blue. (B) Distribution of synaptic output from the ISNs divided by cell class or brain region. Total of 4050 synapses from the ISNs and 104 postsynaptic partners. FLAa2 (46 neurons) receive 26.77% of all ISN output, Handshake (4 neurons) 17.9%, Cowboy (2 neurons) 11.4%, neurons located in the subesophageal zone (SEZ) (14 neurons) 9.04%, DSOG1 (4 neurons) 8.18%, neurons with neurites in the subesophageal zone and superior medial protocerebrum (SEZ & SMP) (11 neurons) 7.91%, BiT (1 neuron) 7.46%, Ascending neurons (ANs) (10 neurons) 4.41%, Descending neurons (DNs) (8 neurons) 3.07%, and ISNs (4 neurons) 0.5%. Only postsynaptic partners with 5 or more synapses were considered for this analysis. Reconstruction of FLAa2 neurons (C), Handshake neurons (D), Cowboy neurons (E), neurons innervating the SEZ (F), DSOG1 neurons (G), neurons innervating the SEZ & SMP (H), BiT (I), ascending neurons (J), descending neurons (K).

BiT genetic control functional imaging
Genetic controls: we expressed the light sensitive ion channel Chrimson without the ISN-LexA driver and exposed the brains to 660nm LED. We expressed the voltage sensor ArcLight in BiT and imaged it with a 2 photon microscope. (A) ArcLight response of BiT soma to 2s LED exposure or (B) 30s LED exposure. Left: Scatter plot shows mean +/- SEM of all flies imaged, gray bars represent LED stimulation. Right: Quantification of mean fluorescence intensity before stim (off) and during stim (on), each dot represents one fly. Paired Wilcoxon or paired t-test. n=7 flies.

BiT optogenetic activation inges-tion phenotype
Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water during acute optogenetic activation of BiT with Chrimson. Represented are the mean, and the 10-90 percentile. Data was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by multiple compari-sons against the no laser control. n=44-54 animals/geno-type. ***p<0.001

IPC response to BiT stimulation
A and B: We expressed the light sensitive ion channel Chrimson in BiT and optogenetically stimulated it with 660nm LED. We expressed the calcium sensor GCaMP in the IPCs and imaged them with a 2 photon microscope. (A) Calcium response of IPC somas to 2s optogenetic activation of BiT or (B) 30s optogenetic activation of BiT. Left: Scatter plot shows mean +/- SEM of all flies imaged, gray bars represent LED stimulation. Right: Quantification of mean fluores-cence intensity before stim (off) and during stim (on), each dot represents one fly. Paired Wilcoxon test or paired t-test. n=9 flies. C and D: Genetic controls: we expressed the light sensitive ion channel Chrimson without the BiT-split Gal4 driver and exposed the brains to 660nm LED. We expressed the calcium sensor GCaMP in the IPCs and imaged them with a 2 photon microscope. (C) Calcium response of IPC somas to 2s LED exposure or (D) 30s LED exposure. Left: Scatter plot shows mean +/- SEM of all flies imaged, gray bars represent LED stimulation. Right: Quantifica-tion of mean fluorescence intensity before stim (off) and during stim (on), each dot represents one fly. Paired t-test. n=9-10 flies. (E) Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water during acute optogenetic activation of IPCs with Chrimson. Ingestion time of females exposed to light normal-ized to dark controls of indicated genotype. One-way ANOVA with Holm-Šídák multiple comparison test. n=43-49 animals/genotype. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

IPC optogenetic activation ingestion phenotype
Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water during acute optogenetic activation of IPCs with Chrimson. Represented are the mean, and the 10-90 percentile. Data was analyzed using One-way ANOVA, followed by multiple comparisons against the no laser control. n=43-49 animals/genotype. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001

CCHa2R-RA genetic controls functional imaging and response to BiT optogenetic stimulation
A and B: Genetic controls: we expressed the light sensitive ion channel Chrimson without the ISN-LexA driver and exposed the brains to 660nm LED. We expressed the calcium sensor GCaMP in the CCHa2R-RA neurons and imaged them with a 2 photon microscope. (A) Calcium response of CCHa2R-RA SEZ neurites to 2s LED exposure or (B) 30s LED exposure. Left: Scatter plot shows mean +/- SEM of all flies imaged, with individual traces in gray, gray bars represent LED stimulation. Right: Quantification of mean fluorescence intensity before stim (off) and during stim (on), each dot represents one fly. Paired Wilcoxon test and paired t-test. n=7 flies. C and D: We expressed the light sensitive ion channel Chrimson in BiT and optogenetically stimulated it with 660nm LED. We expressed the calcium sensor GCaMP in the CCHa2R-RA neurons and imaged them with a 2 photon microscope. (C) Calcium response of CCHa2R-RA somas to 2s optogenetic stimulation of BiT or (D) 30s optogenetic stimulation of BiT. Left: Scatter plot shows mean +/- SEM of all flies imaged, gray bars represent LED stimulation. Right: Quantification of mean fluores-cence intensity before stim (off) and during stim (on), each dot represents one fly. Paired t-test. n=5 flies.

CCHa2R-RA optogenetic activation ingestion phenotype
Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water during acute optogenetic activation of CCHa2R-RA neurons with Chrimson. Represented are the mean, and the 10-90 percentile. Data was analyzed using Krus-kal-Wallis test, followed by multiple comparisons against the no laser control. n=42-47 animals/genotype. ***p<0.001

CCAP response to ISN activation using another CCAP-Gal4 driver
We expressed the light sensitive ion channel Chrimson in the ISNs and optoge-netically stimulated them with 660nm LED. We expressed the calcium sensor GCaMP in the CCAP neurons and imaged them with a 2 photon microscope. (A) Calcium response of CCAP neurites to 2s optogenetic stimulation of the ISNs or (B) 30s optogenetic stimulation of the ISNs. Left: Scatter plot shows mean +/- SEM of all flies imaged, gray bars represent LED stimulation. Right: Quantification of mean fluorescence intensity before stim (off) and during stim (on), each dot represents one fly. Paired t-test. n=8 flies. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

CCAP optogenetic activa-tion ingestion phenotype
Temporal consumption assay for 1M sucrose or water during acute optogenetic activation of CCAP neurons with Chrimson. Represented are the mean, and the 10-90 percentile. Data was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by multiple compari-sons against the no laser control. n=42-48 animals/gen-otype. ***p<0.001