Conserved water networks in WNK1/SA. (A) Location of CWN1 in Subunit A of uWNK1/SA (PDB file 6CN9) shown as a closeup from the uWNK/SA dimer. Conserved water network 1 (CWN1) in marine, 14 water molecules. Subunit A, cyan, Subunit B, green, Activation Loop, red, and Catalytic Loop, yellow. (B) Conservation of waters in two crystal structures of uWNK1/SA, PDB 6CN9 (waters marine) and 5DRB (waters yellow). (C) CWN2 is in the subunit interface (same coloring as in (A). N-terminal domains are superimposed.

Effects of PEG400 on the WNK1/SA dimer and space group. (A) Differential scanning fluorimetry of WNK1 SA in increasing amounts of eth (showing destabilization). (B) WNK1/SA/PEG400 (PDB 9D3F) has a single subunit in the asymmetric unit (magenta), shown with a symmetry mate (magenta) and overlayed with the asymmetric dimer of uWNK1/SA (PDB 6CN9, shown in cyan and green as in Fig. 1). (C) Osmolyte induced conformational changes as a function of sequence. WNK1/SA (PDB file 6CN9) versus WNK1/SA/PEG400, pink trace, pWNK1 (PDB 5W7T) versus pWNK1/sucrose (Akella et al., 2020), orange trace, and uWNK1 (6CN9) pWNK1 (5W7T), green trace.

PEG400-induced conformational change in the active site of WNK1/SA. (A) PEG400 induced conformational changes in WNK1/SA. WNK1/SA Sub A (cyan), Sub B (green), superimposed with WNK1/SA/PEG400 (magenta). Conformational changes occur in the active site in both the 3/10 chloride binding helix and the Activation Loop. (B) Comparison of CWN1 in uWNK1 (blue), PEG400 (magenta), and in pWNK (lime). (C) Surface rendering in WNK1/SA/PEG400 showing the reduction in space near CWN1. (D) Closeup of the Activation Loop highlighting residues E388 and K375 that move significantly in PEG400 (red arrows), affecting the 3/10 helix. Diagrams made in PyMOL.

Residues in the AL-CL Cluster and positions mutated. (A) AL-CL Cluster in uWNK1 (PDB file 6CN9). Labels in WNK1 numbering (with WNK3 numbers in parenthesis). Cartoon coloring is the same as Figure 1A. Pan-kinase conserved catalytic residues (D349 and K351) are labelled in gray. AL-CL residue labels are colored to indicate mutant assay results: mutants more active than wild-type, red, similar to wild-type, green, and less active than wild-type, blue. (B) Sequence conservation in the AL-CL Cluster and neighboring residues. Pan-kinase conserved Catalytic Loop residues and pan-WNK Activation Loop phosphorylation sites are yellow, other colors indicate assay results, as in (A).

Basal autophosphorylation of WNK3/S308 and WNK1/S382 and effects of chloride on highly active mutations of position WNK3/E314 and WNK1/E388. (A) Wild-type uWNK3. (B) uWNK3/E314Q. (C) uWNK3/E314A. (D)uWNK3/E314A, 25 °C. (E) uWNK1 activity and chloride inhibition (F) uWNK1/E388A autophosphorylation activity. Lines in panels E and F are derived from DynaFit modelling and described in Methods and Table S6. Reactions run in 4 μM uWNK3, 30°C (unless otherwise indicated), at chloride concentrations of 50 mM (purple/dark green), 150 mM (pink/green), and 250 mM (magenta/light green). Bars indicate standard error from triplicate independent experiments.

Basal autophosphorylation activity and effects of chloride on uWNK3 AL-CL Cluster mutants either similar to WT uWNK3 or less active. (A) Wild-type uWNK3. (B) uWNK3/K236A (C) uWNK3/K307A (D) uWNK3/M301A. (E) uWNK3/Y346F. (F) uWNK3/D279N. Reactions run in 4 μM uWNK3, 30°C at chloride concentrations indicated. S308 phosphorylation Bars indicate standard error from triplicate independent experiments.

Effects of osmolytes on uWNK3 AL-CL cluster mutant substrate phosphorylation. (A) WT-uWNK3, E314Q, D279N, and Y346F. (B) WT-uWNK3, K236A, M301A and K307A. ADP Glo® (Promega) with gOSR1 peptide as a substrate in the absence (grey) or presence (red) of 15% PEG400 15 min, 25 °C.

WNK3/SA/E314A structure overlay. (A) Colors the same as Figure. 3, 6CN9 (cyan), uWNK1/SA/PEG400 (PDB file 9D3F, magenta), WNK3/E314A (PDB file 9D7Q, orange). (B) Conformational differences as a function of sequence between uWNK1 and uWNK1/SA/PEG400 (pink), uWNK1 and uWNK3/SA/E314A (cyan), and uWNK1/SA/PEG400 and WNK3/SA/E314A (blue). Changes in activation loop residues have been omitted because they are off-scale due to disorder in PEG400 and domain-swapping in WNK3/E314A.