Conserved water networks in WNK1/SA. (A) CWN1 in Subunit A of uWNK1/SA (PDB file 6CN9). Conserved water network 1 (CWN1) in marine, 14 water molecules. Subunit A, cyan, Subunit B, green, Activation Loop, red, and Catalytic loop, yellow. (B) Three observed water networks (CWN1-3, black ovals) were identified by superposition of PDB 6CN9 and 5DRB. Colors are as in (A). (C) Overlay of waters in PDB files 6CN9 (marine) and 5DRB (yellow). (D) CWN2 is in the subunit interface (same coloring as in (A). N-terminal domains were superimposed.