Transient H57-597 mAb treatment confers complete ChR2+ motor neuron allograft survival and, importantly, allows robust triceps surae muscle reinnervation up until late-stage disease in SOD1G93A mice. (A) 3-D reconstruction of 67 individual tile-scans, acquired from serial sections from an entire triceps surae muscle, from a 135d SOD1G93A mouse following engraftment of ChR2+ motor neurons at 95d and H57-597 treatment, showing the full extent of axonal projection throughout the whole muscle; see also Video 1. (B) A high-resolution maximum intensity projection (MIP) image of a confocal z-stack, revealing multiple NMJs innervated to varying extents (α-bungarotoxin; α-BTx; red)) by YFP+ engrafted motor neuron axons (green) labelled for choline-acetyl transferase (ChAT; blue – note; overexposure of blue channel enables visualization of muscle fibres). (C) MIP image of a confocal z-stack showing an example of a partially innervated NMJ. (D) MIP image of a confocal z-stack showing an example of a fully innervated NMJ; note, poly-innervation, shown in (C), and terminal sprouting, shown in (D) which are signs of immaturity. (E) Automated quantification of total endplate number (count = 3,482; labelled with α-BTx) and manual counts of endplates (count = 364) that showed YFP colocalization, indicating innervation, from the same muscle.