A “pathway” of Netrin-1 expressing cells “paves the way” for dopamine (DA) axons growing from the nucleus accumbens to the medial prefrontal cortex during adolescence. A, The brain regions containing the bundle of dopamine fibres passing to the medial prefrontal cortex are highlighted in a line drawing of a coronal mouse brain section derived from Paxinos and Franklin (Paxinos and Franklin, 2013). B, An image of a coronal section through the forebrain of an adult mouse at low magnification (4x). Green fluorescence indicates immunostaining for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a marker for dopamine. The smaller and larger white squares indicate the regions enlarged in panel C and panels F & G, respectively. Scale bar = 500 μm. C, The nucleus accumbens (left) is densely packed with dopamine axons (in green). Some of these axons can be observed extending from the nucleus accumbens medially into a bundle of dopamine fibres (white arrows). Scale bar = 10 μm. D, Modified stereological quantification revealed no significant difference in dopamine axon density in the fibre bundle between adolescence (21 days old) and adulthood (75 days old). Mixed-effects ANOVA, effect of age: F=1.53, p=0.22; region by age interaction: F=1.44, p=0.49. E, The average width of the fibre bundle increased significantly from adolescence to adulthood, revealing that there is an increase in the total number of fibres passing to the medial prefrontal cortex during this period. Mixed-effects ANOVA, effect of age: F=9.45, p=0.0021; region by age interaction: F=5.74, p=0.057. F, In order to quantify the Netrin-1 positive cells along the dopamine fibre bundle, the bundle was contoured in each region, and a contour of equal area was placed medial to the fibre bundle as a negative control. Scale bar = 200 μm. G, Using quantitative stereology, Netrin-1 positive cell density was determined along and adjacent to the fibre bundle for each region. Red fluorescence indicates immunostaining for Netrin-1.H, In adolescent mice there are more Netrin-1 positive cells along the dopamine fibre bundle (“TH+”) than medial to it (“TH-”). This is what we refer to as the “Netrin-1 pathway”. Along the pathway, there is a significant increase in Netrin-1 positive cell density in regions closer to the medial prefrontal cortex, the innervation target. Mixed-effects ANOVA, effect of TH: F=105, p<0.0001. Effect of region: F=9.74, p=0.021. A post-hoc Tukey Test revealed a difference (p = 0.029) between the densities of the lateral septum and infralimbic cortex, but only within the dopamine fibre bundle. I, In adult mice the Netrin-1 pathway is maintained, however there is no longer an increasing density of Netrin-1 positive cells towards the medial prefrontal cortex. Mixed-effects ANOVA, effect of TH: F=54.56, p<0.0001. Effect of region: F=1.22, p=0.75. J, The virus injection location within the mouse brain. A Netrin-1 knockdown virus, or a control virus, was injected into the dopamine fibre bundle at the level of the dorsal peduncular cortex. K, Our experimental timeline: at the onset of adolescence a Netrin-1 knockdown virus, or a control virus, was injected, and then in adulthood the mice were sacrificed and stereological measurements taken. L, Dopamine varicosity density was quantified in the region below the injection site, in the lateral septum, and in the region above the injection site, in the infralimbic cortex. There was a significant decrease in dopamine varicosity density only in the infralimbic cortex. Mixed-effects ANOVA, virus by region interaction: F=16.41, p<0.0001. M, The experimental set-up of the final (test) stage of the Go/No-Go experimental protocol. A mouse that has previously learned to nose-poke for a reward in response to a visual cue (illuminated nose-poke hole), must now inhibit this behaviour when the visual cue is paired with an auditory cue (acoustic tone). N, Mice injected with the Netrin-1 knockdown virus show improved action impulsivity than controls because they incur significantly fewer commission errors across the Go/No-go task. Mixed-effects ANOVA, effect of day: F=68.32, p<0.0001. Day by virus interaction: F=9.00, p=0.0027. A sigmoidal curve is fit to each group of mice to determine how the two groups differ. Points indicate group means and error bars show standard error means. O, During the first days of Go/No-Go testing, both groups incur commission errors with high frequency, but, the Netrin-1 knockdown group has fewer errors than the control group (t-test, t=5.18, p<0.0001. P, The ED50 – the inflection point in each sigmoidal curve – are not different between groups, indicating that all mice improve their ability to inhibit their behavior at around the same time (T-test, t=0.97, p=0.35). Q, Mice microinfused with the Netrin-1 knockdown virus incur substantially fewer commission errors in the last days of the Go/No-Go task compared to mice injected with the control virus (T-test, t=12.38, p<0.0001). For all barplots, bars indicate group means and error bars show standard error means.