Expression of mGluR1 and calretinin in P079 and GRP UBCs in the dorsal cochlear nucleus
A) Coronal section of the dorsal cochlear nucleus showing genetically expressed mCitrine (green) from the P079 allele, tdTomato (red) from the GRP-Cre/Ai9 alleles, and immunohistochemical labeling of mGluR1 (magenta). Maximum intensity projections. B) Example of a P079 UBC (soma indicated with O, brush indicated with arrowhead), GRP UBC (soma indicated with *, brush indicated with arrowhead). The GRP UBCs expresses mGluR1 in the somatic membrane and dendritic brush. Most P079 UBCs do not express mGluR1, although some that are weakly labeled do appear to express mGluR1. C) Coronal section of the dorsal cochlear nucleus showing genetically expressed mCitrine (green) from the P079 allele, tdTomato (red) from the GRP-Cre/Ai9 alleles, and immunohistochemical labeling of calretinin (magenta). Maximum intensity projections. D) Example of a P079 UBC (soma indicated with O), GRP UBC (soma indicated with *). The P079 UBCs express calretinin in their cytoplasm. GRP UBCs do not express calretinin.