The VEXAT and Hill model’s fitted rabbit psoas fibril MTU parameters. As in Table 6, parameters shared by the VEXAT and Hill model are highlighted in grey. Short forms are used to save space: length ‘len’, velocity ‘vel’, acceleration ‘acc’, half ‘h’, activation ‘act’, segment ‘seg’, threshold ‘thr’, and stiffness ‘stiff’. The letter preceding a reference indicates the experimental animal:’C’ for cat, ‘H’ for human, while nothing at all is rabbit skeletal muscle. Letters following a reference indicate how the data was used to evaluate the parameter: ‘A’ for arbitrary for simulating Leonard et al. [8], ‘n/a’ for a parameter that is not applicable to a fibril model, ‘—’ value taken from the cat soleus MTU, ‘C’ calculated, ‘F’ fit, ‘E’ estimated, ‘S’ scaled, and ‘D’ for default if a default value from another model was used. Only parameters that do not affect the outcome of our simulation of Leonard et al. [8] are marked ‘A’. Clearly the parameters that appear in this Table do not represent a generic rabbit psoas fibril model, but instead a rabbit psoas fibril model that is sufficient to simulate the experiment of Leonard et al. [8]. Finally, values for N IgP, N PEVK, and N IgD were obtained by taking a 70% and 30% average of the values for 3300 kD and 3400 kD titin to match the composition of rabbit psoas titin as closely as possible.