VGCC levels predict Pr within, but not between, synaptic subtypes.

(A) Representative confocal Z-projection of CacTd-Tomato-N (magenta) with type Ib terminals (blue) and type Is (red) outlined. (B) AZ heat map of terminals in A with color indicating release probability (Pr) and size representing sum Cac intensity levels in arbitrary units (AU). (C) Average single-AZ probability of release at type Ib and type Is terminals. (D) Quintile distribution of single-AZ Pr frequency at type Ib and type Is inputs. (E, F) Correlation between normalized CacTd-Tomato-N intensity and Pr at type Is and Ib AZs in the same 6 NMJs. Each dot represents a single AZ and each color corresponds to an individual NMJ with linear regression lines indicated for each NMJ. (G) Top, representative confocal Z-projection of CacsfGFP-N. Bottom, CacsfGFP-N in green with HRP marking neuronal membranes in gray. Type Ib (blue) and type Is (red) terminals are outlined. (H) Quantification of CacsfGFP-N AZ intensity levels at type Ib and type Is terminals. Each data point represents the average normalized single AZ sum intensity for an individual NMJ. (I) Distribution of normalized CacsfGFP-N intensity from single type Ib and type Is AZs in H (X-axis cutoff at 5.0). (J) Correlation between normalized CacTd-Tomato-N and Pr across all Ib and Is AZs combined from E-F with linear regression lines (blue and red, respectively) and 95% confidence intervals (black lines) indicated. All scale bars = 5µm.

VGCC clusters are more compact at AZs of high-Pr type Is inputs.

(A-C) Representative SoRa Z-projection of CacHaloTag-N (green), Brp (magenta), and merge. (D, E) Representative boutons of STORM CacHaloTag-N clusters as identified by DBSCAN at type Ib and type Is boutons as indicated. Each color represents an individual identified cluster with purple scattered dots identifying excluded background signal. (F) Quantification of CacHaloTag-N cluster area at type Ib and type Is AZs. (G) Quantification of localizations per cluster at type Ib and type Is boutons. (H) Calculated CacHaloTag-N cluster density at type Ib and Is AZs. For F-H, each data point represents the respective single-cluster measurement averaged over individual boutons. (I) A paired analysis of calculated AZ cluster density averaged over individual type Ib and Is inputs at the same NMJ. All scale bars = 1µm.

Differences in Bruchpilot levels and function at low-and high-Pr inputs.

(A) Representative confocal Z-projection of Brp expression at type Ib (blue outline) and type Is (red outline) terminals. (B) Quantification of Brp intensity levels at type Ib and type Is AZs. (C) Ratio of normalized CacsfGFP-N:Brp levels at type Ib and type Is NMJs. (D) Correlation of CacsfGFP-N and Brp at type Ib and type Is single AZs with linear regression lines (blue and red, respectively) and 95% confidence intervals (black dotted lines) indicated. (E, F) Representative confocal Z-projections of CacsfGFP-N (green), Brp (magenta), HRP (white), and merge at type Ib (blue outline) and Is (red outline) terminals of CacsfGFP-N(WT) or CacsfGFP-N;brp-/- (brp-/-) animals. (G) Quantification of CacsfGFP-N normalized fluorescence intensity levels at type Ib and type Is AZs of WT vs brp-/- animals. (H) Ratio of CacsfGFP-N fluorescence intensity levels at type Ib and type Is AZ in brp-/-:WT. For B and G, each data point represents the normalized single AZ sum intensity measurements averaged over individual NMJs. All scale bars = 5µm.

Brp differentially regulates VGCC dynamics at low-and high-Pr inputs during presynaptic homeostatic potentiation.

(A, B) Representative confocal Z-projections of CacsfGFP-N (top, green), Brp (middle, magenta) and merged with HRP (bottom, gray) in untreated and PhTx-treated CacsfGFP-N NMJs showing type Ib (blue) and type Is (red) terminals. (C) Quantification of Brp fluorescence intensity levels. (D) Quantification of CacsfGFP-N fluorescence intensity levels. (E, F) Representative confocal Z-projections of CacsfGFP-N (top, green), Brp (middle, magenta) and merged with HRP (bottom, gray) in untreated and PhTx-treated CacsfGFP-N;brp-/- NMJs showing type Ib (blue) and type Is (red) terminals. (G) Quantification of CacsfGFP-N fluorescence intensity levels. For all quantifications, each data point represents normalized single AZ sum intensity measurements averaged over individual NMJs. All scale bars = 5µm.

Endogenous tagging of VGCC auxiliary subunits reveals distinct synaptic expression patterns.

(A) Schematic of Ca2+ channel complex with tagged auxiliary subunits (created with BioRender). (B) Schematic of Ca-β (isoform PL shown), Stj (isoform PC), and Stolid (isoform H/I) endogenous tag locations. (C-E) Quantifications of EJPs, mEJPs, and quantal content for each endogenously tagged line. (F-H) Representative confocal Z-projections of auxiliary subunit expression (green) at the larval ventral ganglion (VG, top, scale bars = 100µm), and NMJs co-labeled with anti-HRP (magenta, middle and bottom, scale bars = 5µm).

© 2024, BioRender Inc. Any parts of this image created with BioRender are not made available under the same license as the Reviewed Preprint, and are © 2024, BioRender Inc.

Stj/α2δ-3 levels are lower at AZs of high-Pr type Is inputs.

(A) Representative SoRa Z-projections of Ca-βV5-C (green), Brp (magenta) and merge. (B) Representative SoRa Z-projections of CacsfGFP-N (green), StjV5-N (magenta), and merge. Scale bars for A and B = 1μm. (C, D) Representative confocal Z-projections of Ca-βV5-C expression and StjV5-N expression at type Ib (blue outline) and type Is (red outline) NMJs. Scale bar = 5μm. (E, F) Quantification of Ca-βV5-C and StjV5-N fluorescence intensity levels at type Ib and type Is AZs. Each data point represents normalized single AZ sum intensity measurements averaged over individual NMJs. (G, H) Correlation of CacsfGFP-N and StjV5-N fluorescence intensity levels at type Ib and type Is single AZs with linear regression lines (color lines) and 95% confidence intervals (black lines).

Absolute values and statistics.

All comparisons, Ns (animals, NMJs, AZs (AZs), and statistical tests used in this study. All values are mean ± SEM.

Imaging details.

This table contains detailed information on how each protein was labeled and visualized using live and fixed confocal microscopy and STORM imaging. All secondary antibodies were incubated at RT for 2 hours at a concentration of 1:500.