Effects of ATP:ADP and ATP:AMP ratios on the association of SbtA and SbtB proteins.
The SbtA7001-SbtB7001 (A, C, E) and SbtA7942-SbtB7942 (B, D, F) pairs were expressed in E. coli (A, C, E, F) and in Synechococcus ΔCS (denoted by *; B, D). Variation in energy charge was simulated during in vitro IMAC binding assays by different molar ratios of ATP:ADP (A-D) and ATP:AMP (E, F), with a total adenylnucleotide concentration of 2 mM. Representative immunoblot images of HAHis-tagged SbtB and SbtA proteins retained in SbtA:SbtB complexes of n=3-4 per adenylnucleotide treatment. The 17 kD-protein above SbtB7942 is a fragment occasionally detected with the anti-SbtA antibody (C, F).