FGF8 and WNT3A expression in the elongating caudal region of human embryos.
Whole mount in situ hybridisation (A-D, I-L) and sagittal vibratome sections through the caudal region (E-H, M-P) for FGF8 (A-H) and WNT3A (I-P) in embryos at CS12 (A,E,I,M), CS13 (B,F,J,N), CS14 (C,G,K,O) and CS15 (D,H,L,P). Both genes show prominent expression domains in the tail bud at CS12 (arrows in E,M) when axial elongation is underway and the posterior neuropore (PNP) is closing (arrowheads in A,I). At CS13, following PNP closure, expression of FGF8 and WNT3A remains prominent although less intense and more localised to the terminal tail bud than at CS12 (arrows in F,N). By CS14, both genes exhibit much smaller, highly localised expression domains that each appears as a ‘dot’ within the tail bud region (arrows in G,O). By CS15, axial elongation has ceased, the tail tip has narrowed and is increasingly transparent. At this stage, expression of neither gene can be detected (asterisks in H,P). Whole embryos shown in B,J,K; isolated trunk/caudal regions shown in A,C,D,I,L. No. embryos analysed: FGF8, n = 2 for each stage; WNT3A, n = 2 for each stage except n = 3 for CS13. Scale bars: A-D, I-L, 1 mm; E-H, M-P, 100 μm.