Figures and data

Sampling sites and primate species sampled across Southeast Asia. ‘Other’ includes Trachypithecus obscurus and undefined species from the genus Presbytis. Total surveys = 148.

(A) Forest plot of pooled estimates for P. knowlesi prevalence (%) in all non-human primates tested (n=6322) across Southeast Asia, disaggregated by species and sampling site (k=148). Random-effects meta-analysis, sub-grouped by region. (B) Map of regional prevalence estimates for P. knowlesi prevalence in NHP in Southeast Asia from meta-analysis. Point colour denotes pooled estimate (%). Size denotes total primates tested per region (n). Shading indicates data availability.

Spatial and temporal resolution and sources for environmental covariates. Summary metrics extracted within 5, 10 and 20km circular buffers.

Multivariable regression results. Spatial scale denoted in square bracket. Canopy cover = %. Adjusted OR (dots) and CI95% (whiskers) for factors associated with P. knowlesi in NHPs at significant spatial scales. N=1354, accounting for replicate pseudo-sampling.