Network model and sequence retrieval. a. Schematic of network connectivity after learning with a plasticity rule that combines temporally symmetric and asymmetric components. The network stores a sequence of patterns that activate non-overlapping sets of neurons (colored according to the pattern that activates them). Note connections both within each set, and from one set to the next. b. Correlation of each stored pattern with network activity following initialization to the first pattern. Retrieval speed is fixed by the balance of symmetry/asymmetry at the synapse. c. Relative retrieval speed as a function of temporal symmetry (z), showing linear relationship. Solid line: 1 − z, the speed computed from MFT (see Methods). Black dots: Network simulations. d. Connectivity of a network with two types of neurons, asymmetric (left) and symmetric (right). Note that the connections from left neurons project to neurons active in the next pattern in the sequence, while connections from right neurons project to neurons active in the same pattern as the pre-synaptic neuron. The two types of neurons can be driven differentially by external inputs ( and , respectively) e. Correlations as in (a) for two distinct pairs of input strengths (in the range [-1,0] for and ), demonstrating two different retrieval speeds. In the simulations shown on the center and right panels, N = 80,000, c = 0.005, τ = 10ms, P = 16, A = 2, θ = 0, and σ = 0.1. For simplicity, we depict only 3 of the 16 stored patterns in the left schematics.