Orai-mediated Ca2+ entry sets the gene expression profile of flight-promoting dopaminergic neurons in late development and early adulthood.
A. A schematic of Ca2+ release through the IP3R and SOCE through STIM/Orai (upper panel) followed by representation of the wildtype (Ca2+ permeable) and mutant (Ca2+ impermeable) Orai channels (lower panel). B. Anatomical location of THD’ DANs in the fly central brain immunolabelled for mCD8GFP (upper panel) followed by a cartoon of central brain DAN clusters. Scale bar indicates 20 μm. PPL1 and PPM3 clusters are labelled in red and green respectively. C. Measurement of flight bout durations demonstrate a requirement for Orai-mediated Ca2+ entry in THD’ DANs and in 2 pairs of PPL1 DANs marked by the MB296B driver. D. THD’ DANs require Ca2+ entry through Orai at 72-96 hours APF and 0-2 days post eclosion to promote flight. In C and D flight bout durations in seconds (s) are represented as a swarm plot where each genotype is represented by a different color, and each fly as a single data point. The Δ Flight parameter shown below indicates the mean difference for comparisons against the shared Canton S control and is shown as a Cumming estimation plot. Mean differences are plotted as bootstrap sampling distributions. Each 95% confidence interval is indicated by the ends of the vertical error bars. The same letter beneath each distribution refers to statistically indistinguishable groups after performing a Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a post hoc Mann-Whitney U-test (p<0.005). At least 30 flies were tested for each genotype. E. THD’ DANs were labelled with cytosolic eGFP (10 μm scale), isolated using FACS and validated for enrichment of GFP mRNA by qRT-pCR (lower panel). The qRT-pCR results are from 4 biological replicates with different letters representing statistically distinguishable groups after performing a two-tailed t test (p<0.05). F. RNA-seq comparison of FAC sorted populations of GFP labelled THD’ DANs from THD’>GFP and THD’>GFP;OraiE180A pupal dissected CNSs. The RNA-Seq data is represented in the form of a volcano plot of fold change vs FDR. Individual dots represent genes, coloured in red (upregulated) or blue (downregulated) by >1 fold. G. Downregulated genes were identified by 3 different methods of DEG analysis, quantified and compared as a Venn diagram. H. Gene expression trajectories of SOCE-induced DEGs plotted as a function of developmental time (modENCODE Consortium et al., 2010) and clustered into 3 groups using k-means analysis. I. The relative proportion of downregulated, upregulated genes, and a random set of genes found in the clusters described in (H) indicate that 75% of downregulated genes exhibit a pupal peak of expression.