Visuo-Vestibular interactions following IDPN treatment.
A) aVOR, OKR, CGR data (CGR) and predicted CGR (MODEL) gains (left panel), and CGR phase (data and model, right panel), for the SHAM mice (n=12) at W6 and W12. B) aVOR, OKR, CGR data (CGR) and predicted CGR (MODEL) gains for the IDPN mice (n=19) at W6 and W12. C) Comparison of the predicted versus measured CGR for all frequencies tested. The dotted line at 45° represents a perfect match between prediction and data (optimal CGR). D) aVOR, OKR, and CGR values of the IDPN mice (n=19) (left panel). Clustering analysis (right panel) distinguish 2 groups based on Delta (CGR-OKR), and a subgroup based on VOR. The horizontal coordinate of each cluster (vertical lines) represents the distance between two connected clusters. E) Δ(CGR-OKR) as a function of the VOR Sweep Amplitude of the Δ+ (green triangle), Δ+(-) (green diamonds) and Δ- (orange) IDPN mice. The inset panel represents typical raw cycles representative of the 3 subgroups. F) Delta (CGR-OKR) as a function of the VOR reproducibility of the Δ+ (green triangle), Δ+(-) (green diamonds) and Δ- (orange) IDPN mice. Regression line correspond to all values (n=19)