Neuron classification and neuronal composition of the DA2 and DL5 glomeruli
A: Example FIB-SEM images (left column), volumetric neuronal reconstructions (middle column), and skeleton-based neuron traces (right column) of a representative example of each neuron class: OSNs (green), uniglomerular projection neurons (uPNs, red) and multiglomerular neurons (MGNs, blue). The ultrastructure of neurons, including T-bars (black triangle), mitochondria (asterisks) and spinules (white triangle) are indicated. Exemplar volumetric reconstructions (middle column) show the general morphology of each neuron class. Presynapses and postsynapses are indicated with red and cyan dots on the skeleton traces (right column). B: Average branching intensity (branching points per µm of neuronal-fiber length) of each neuron class OSNs, uPNs and MGNs in DA2 and DL5. Data represent mean+ standard deviation (error bars). Data points represent single values. Means were compared using Wilcoxon two-sample test. No significant differences of branching points/µm in OSNs or MGNs between glomeruli were found (significance was not tested for uPNs due to the presence of a single uPN in DL5). C: Schematic summary indicating, for each glomerulus, its volume (in µm3), the number of neurons of each class (MGNs were not counted), the total fiber length of all neurons for each neuron class and the total number of single synaptic contacts for each glomerulus.