Ultrastructure of ventral Eoobolus acutulus sp. nov. from the Cambrian Series 2 Shuijingtuo formation in Three Gorges areas. A-C, ELI-AJH S05 BT12. A, cross section of a ventral lateral margin, note stacked columnar units 2-11, box indicates area in B. B, enlarged view of A, showing shell layers 2-11. C, enlarged view of B, show thin organic layer (tailed arrow) between two stratiform lamellae by dashed lines, the fusion of two columnar layers by arrow. D-F, ELI-AJH 8-2-3 BT02. D, cross section of shell margin, box indicates area in E. E, different preservation condition of columns. F, poorly phosphatised columns, note the opening of organic canals along the organic lamellae by arrows, and space between two stratiform laminae by tailed arrows. G-H, ELI-AJH 8-2-3 BT03. G, note organic canals on the cross section and surface of columnar layer by arrows, and partly exfoliated primary layer by tailed arrow. H, magnified columns composed of granule spherules with canal in G by arrow. I, cross section of shell margin, box indicates area in (J), ELI- AJH 8-2-3 BT04. J, enlarged short columns. K, imbricated columnar layers (arrows), ELI-AJH S05 BT12. Scale bars: A, E, 50 µm; B, I, 20 µm; C, 5 µm; D, 200 µm; F, G, J, K, 10 µm; H, 1 µm.