Molecular dynamics simulations.
A) Hydrogen bonds between the pantoate and protein followed over the course of the simulations starting without i) or with ii) sodium bound. Red, yellow, green and blue indicate a contact with the O1, O2, O3 and O4 atoms of pantoate, respectively (as shown in B). Contacts are shown for all residues with contacts in greater than 10% of any simulation. B) Histograms of pantoate heavy-atom RMSD over 3 simulations starting with (blue) or without (black) bound sodium, calculated following Cα alignment of the protein around the binding site (residues 108-117 (TM4), 199-207 (TM 9) and 287-296 (TM 10)). Representative snapshots of pantoate, relative to the starting position on the left are shown. C) Representative snapshots showing bound pantoate (magenta) and sodium (blue spheres), showing the location of the canonical sodium binding site 1 and the alternate site 1*. ASBT is shown with cartoon representation; for clarity, only helices contributing to the binding sites (TMs 4, 5, 9, 10) are shown in the lower (side view) panels. Residues making up the pantoate and Na1 binding sites are shown in stick representation.