Hexokinases regulate MML-1 nuclear localization and transcriptional function.
A. MML-1 nuclear localization in the fosmid line wgIs198 was quantified in intestinal cells of day one adult worms using upon hxk-1 and hxk-2 knockdown (N=3). B. Quantification of MML-1 nuclear localization in intestinal cells of day one adult wildtype and glp-1(e2141) worms supplemented with the glycolytic inhibitor 3-bromopyruvate (3-BrP) 5, 10, and 20 mM egg-on (N=2). C. Quantification of MML-1 nuclear localization in intestinal cells of day one adult glp-1(e2141) worms supplemented with the glycolytic inhibitor 2-deoxy-glucose (2-DG) 50 mM egg-on (N=2). D-E. Representative Western blot (D) and densitometry analysis (E) of hexokinases basal levels under hxk-1i, hxk-2i, hxk-3i, and mml-1i. Protein levels were normalized to actin as a loading control (N=3). F-H. Measurements of body size area (F), length (G), and pharyngeal pumping rate (H) of day one adult worms grown under hexokinase knockdown (N=3). I. Motility assay of day one adult worms grown under hexokinase knockdown (N=2). J. Relative mml-1 mRNA levels under hexokinase knockdown measured by qPCR (N=3). K. Relative mRNA expression of MML-1 downstream targets lgg-2, swt-1, and fat-5 measured by qPCR (N=3). L. Quantification of MML-1 nuclear localization in wildtype and daf-2(e1370) mutants upon luci, hxk-1i, and hxk-2i in day one adult worms (N=3). M. Lifespan of wildtype and daf-2(e1370) upon hxk-1 and hxk-2 knockdown (N=2). N. Quantification of MML-1 nuclear localization in wildtype and raga-1(ok701) mutants in day one adult worms (N=3). O. Lifespan of wildtype, raga-1(ok701), mml-1(ok849) and raga-1 mml-1 double mutant (N=3). P. Lifespan of wildtype and raga-1(ok701) upon hxk-1 and hxk-2 knockdown (N=3). Statistical significance was calculated with t-test in C and N, one-way ANOVA in A-B and E-L, and Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test in M and O-P. A-C, F-J, L, and N bars represent mean ± SD, and E and K bars represent mean ± SEM.