EphrinB2 expression was increased in ventral horn astrocytes.
SOD1G93A mouse ventral horn cervical spinal cord tissue immuinostained for ephrinB2 at 60 days (b), 120 days (c), endstage (d), and WT mouse age-matched control (a), scale bar: 200 µm. Quantification of ephrinB2 expression within the ventral horn shows a progressive increase in expression over time compared to WT controls (e). Endstage ephrinB2 expression in the thoracic (f, g) and lumbar (h-k) regions; scale bar: 200 µm, 100 µm, respectively. Endstage SOD1G93A mouse cervical spinal cord tissue co- immuostained for ephrinB2 (l, n, o, q) and neuronal and astrocyte lineage-specific markers NeuN (m- n) and GFAP (p-q), respectively; scale bar: 30 µm. Analysis in panels A-K: n = 3-4 mice per genotype and per time point; 1-2 females and 2 males per condition. Analysis in panels L-O: n = 3 mice per genotype and per time point; 1 female and 2 males per condition.