Mtb skews DC metabolism toward glycolysis.
Mo-DCs were stimulated with irradiated Mtb (iMtb) or infected with Mtb expressing Red Fluorescent Protein (Mtb-RFP, panel C). (A) Representative histograms showing the translation level after puromycin (Puro) incorporation and staining with a monoclonal anti-Puro (anti-Puro MFI) in response to inhibitor treatment (C, Control; DG, 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose; Oligomycin, O; or combination treatment, DG+O). The bar plots show the values of the anti-Puro MFI from 6 donors. Arrows and numbers inside boxes denote the differences between the MFI of puro in the different treatments that are used to calculate the glucose dependence (1) and fatty acids and amino acids oxidation (FAO & AAO) capacity (4); and the mitochondrial dependency (2) and glycolytic capacity (3). (B) Relative contributions of glycolytic and FAO & AAO capacities and glucose and mitochondrial dependences to overall DC metabolism analyzed with SCENITH (N=6). (C-D) DCs were infected with Mtb-RFP for 24 h, thereafter the metabolic profile was evaluated by SCENITH. (C) Representative histograms showing the translation level after Puro incorporation are shown for uninfected, Mtb-infected and bystander DCs (those cells that are not infected directly but rather stand nearby). The bar plots show the values of the anti-Puro MFI from 4 donors. Right panel shows representative plots showing the gating strategy to distinguish the populations within Mtb-infected cultures, which includes RFP+ (Mtb-infected DCs) and RFP- (bystander DCs) cells. (D) Relative contributions of glycolytic and FAO & AAO capacities and glucose and mitochondrial dependences to DC metabolism (N=4). (E) Kinetic profile of proton efflux rate (PER; lower panel) and oxygen consumption rate (OCR; upper panel) measurements in control and iMtb-stimulated DCs in response to inhibitor treatments (Oligomycin, O; ROT/AA, Rotenone/Antimycin A), obtained using an Agilent Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer. PER and OCR measurements were normalized to the area covered by cells. (F) ATP production rate from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (MitoATP) and glycolysis (glycoATP). MitoATP production rate and glycoATP production rate were calculated from OCR and ECAR measurements in control and iMtb-stimulated DCs (N=6). (G) Percentages of MitoATP and GlycoATP relative to overall ATP production (N=6). Statistics in (B, F-G) are from paired t test (∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01) for iMtb versus controls. Statistics in (D) are 2-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (∗p < 0.05) as depicted by lines. The data are represented as scatter plots with each circle representing a single individual, means ± SEM are shown.