cfDNA as a fraction of homeostatic cell turnover.
Estimates for the DNA flux from homoeostatic cell turnover were made based on Sender & Milo, 2021 and converted to units of potential cfDNA plasma concentration (see Methods). Cell types are ordered by their estimated cellular turnover. Empty markers represent cell types being shed out of the body upon turnover. Observed levels of cfDNA (Joshua Moss et al. 2018; Loyfer et al. 2023) are shown for cell types found in the plasma, with labels depicting the ratio between potential and measured cfDNA concentrations. Circles, potential representation in cfDNA; diamonds, observed concentration of cfDNA. The assay’s detection limit is presented by a gradient (from around ten genome equivalents for deconvolution assay to around one genome equivalent for targeted assays). Error bars represent the 95% confidence interval of the uncertainty, approximated by a lognormal distribution (see Methods).