High-resolution localization of Kv4.2 subunit in the VPM nucleus of the thalamus
a, High-resolution light micrograph of a VPM neuron immunolabeled for the Kv4.2 subunit displaying intense immunopositive puncta (white arrows) along its proximal dendrites. b, An electron micrograph showing Kv4.2 immunolabeling in the VPM using the preembedding immunogold technique. A proximal dendrite, identified by its large diameter (d), has more silver intensified gold particles (white arrowheads) than thin dendrites (d2, d3). Arrows, synapses; arrowheads, puncta adhaerentia. c, Accumulation of gold particles in small dendritic appendages (asterisks). d, Quantitative analysis revealed an approximately three-fold higher density of gold particles along the membrane in large (>1.2 µm) compared to small dendrites (left y-axis, gray bars). The histogram also shows the ratio of large excitatory terminals with round vesicles (RL) innervating each dendritic category (right y-axis, white bars). e, Freeze-fracture replica labeling of the protoplasmic-face membrane segment of a large thalamocortical cell dendrite in VPM is shown with intense immunogold labeling for the Kv4.3 subunit. The dendrite is surrounded by a large axon terminal (yellow). Boxed areas are shown at higher magnifications in f, g, and h. f-h, Membrane area in the vicinity of the axon terminal contains a high density of gold particles (f), whereas a neighboring area (g) has very few gold particles, indicating an inhomogeneous distribution of the Kv4.3 subunit. Note the intense immunogold labeling around a cross-fractured dendritic appendage (h). Black arrows, synapses; black arrowheads, puncta adherentia. Scale bars: a: 10 μm, b: 1 μm, c: 0.5 μm, e, 1 µm, f-h, 200 nm.