Field experiment design for simulated warming and altered precipitation, qSIP incubation, and the growth responses of soil bacteria to changing climate regimes.
To examine the effects of warming and altered precipitation on an alpine grassland ecosystem, two levels of temperature (T0, T+), and three levels of precipitation (-P, nP, +P) were established in 2011. The soil samples were collected in 2020 and used for 18O-qSIP incubation (A). Potential interaction types between multiple climate factors (B). The diagram shows that two factors (X and Y) of warming and altered precipitation impact a biological response in the same direction (upper) or have opposing effects on when acting separately. Their combined effect could be additive, i.e. the sum of the two factor effects. Alternatively, the interaction types can be antagonistic or synergistic. Null model (we use the additive expectation as the null model here) provides the threshold for distinguishing between these interactions.