MINT’s decoding performance is robust to the choice of hyperparameters.
MINT was run on the MC_Maze dataset with systematic perturbations to two of MINT’s hyperparameters: bin width (ms) and window length (ms). Bin width is the size of the bin in which spikes are counted: 20 ms for all analyses in the main figures. Window length is the length, in milliseconds, of spiking history that is considered. For all main analyses of the MC_Maze dataset, this was 300 ms, i.e. MINT considered the spike count in the present bin and in 14 previous bins. Perturbations were also made to two hyperparameters related to learning neural trajectories: temporal smoothing width (standard deviation of Gaussian filter applied to spikes) and condition-smoothing dimensionality (see Methods). These two hyperparameters describe how aggressively the trial-averaged data are smoothed (across time and conditions, respectively) when learning rates. Baseline decoding performance (black circles) was computed using the same hyperparameters that were used with the MC_Maze dataset in the analyses from Figure 3 and Figure 4. Then, decoding performance was computed by perturbing each of the four hyperparameters twice (colored circles): once to ∼50% of the hyperparameter’s baseline value and once to ∼150%. Trials were bootstrapped (1000 resamples) to generate 95% confidence intervals (error bars). Perturbations of hyperparameters had little impact on performance. Altering bin width had essentially no impact, nor did altering temporal smoothing. Shortening window length had a negative impact, presumably because MINT had to estimate the neural state using fewer observations. However, the drop in performance was minimal: R2 dropped by .011 for position decoding only. Reducing the number of dimensions used for across-condition smoothing, and consequently over-smoothing the data, had a negative impact on both position and velocity decoding. Yet again this was small: e.g. velocity R2 dropped by .010. These results demonstrate that MINT can achieve high performance using hyperparameter values that span a large range. Thus, they do not need to be meticulously optimized to ensure good performance. In general, optimization may not be needed at all, as MINT’s hyperparameters can often be set based on first principles. For example, in this study, bin width was never optimized either for specific datasets or in general. We chose to always count spikes in 20 ms bins (except in the perturbations shown here) because this duration is long enough to reduce computation time yet short relative to the timescales over which rates change. Additionally, window length can be optimized (as we did for decoding analyses), but it could also simply be chosen to roughly match the timescale over which past behavior tends to predict future behavior. Temporal smoothing of trajectories when building the library can simply use the same values commonly used when analyzing such data. For example, in prior studies, we have used smoothing kernels of width 20 to 30 ms when computing trial-averaged rates, and these values also support excellent decoding. Condition smoothing is optional and need not be applied at all, but may be useful if one wishes to record fewer trials for more conditions. For example, rather than record 15 trials for 8 reach directions, one might wish to record 5 trials for 24 conditions, then use condition smoothing to reduce sampling error.