Performance of SMC approaches using different markers.
Estimated demographic history of a bottleneck (black line) by SMC approaches using two genomic markers. In orange and red, are the estimates by MSMC2 and eSMC2 based on only marker 1. Estimates from SMCtheo integrating both markers are in green (with known µ2), and in blue with unknown µ2. The demographic scenarios are A) 10-fold recent bottleneck with an ancestral population size N = 10, 000, B) 10-fold recent bottleneck with an ancestral population size N = 1, 000, C) 10-fold bottleneck with an ancestral population size N = 10, 000, and D) a very severe (1,000 fold) and very recent bottleneck with incomplete size recovery. In A, B and D, we assume r/µ1 = 1 (with r = µ1 = 10−8, µ2 = 10−4 per generation per bp) and in C, r/µ1 = 10 (with r = 10−7, µ1 = 10−8, and µ2 = 10−4 per generation per bp).