Activation of ribosome biogenesis pathway during the EMT transitioning phase in Tri-PyMT cells.
A, Representative flow cytometry plot displays the percentage of RFP+, Double+ (Doub+, EMT transitioning cells), and GFP+ Tri-PyMT cells in culture.
B, Western blots of EMT marker expression with flow-sorted RFP+, Doub+, and GFP+ Tri-PyMT cells. The Doub+ cells exhibit an intermediate expression of both epithelial (E-cadherin) and mesenchymal marker (Vimentin) compared to RFP+ and GFP+ cells. β-actin expression serves as loading controls.
C, The t-SNE plot of scRNA-seq analysis of Tri-PyMT cells. Two major cell clusters with differential EMT status are shown with the AUC value of 10 epithelial marker genes (in red) and 10 mesenchymal marker genes (in green). The marker genes are shown in Supplementary Fig S4A.
D, E, F, Trajectory analysis using Monocle DDR tree. Cell trajectory analysis was performed with filtered EMT-related genes using Monocle 2 model. Five cell states (D) were identified with differential EMT statuses. From epithelial to mesenchymal phenotype, the Cell States were identified in order of 1, 5, 2, 4, and 3 (E). EMT Pseudotime was calculated with Cell State 1 (the most epithelial state) as the root (F).
G, Classification of cells with EMT states. Cells were classified according to their EMT state as Epi, Trans, and Mes; the cell number in each cluster is indicated in the table.
H, The heatmap of differentially expressed genes in Trans cells compared to Epi and Mes cells. Totally, 313 genes were identified with criteria P <0.01, Fold change > 1.2, and Average expression >=5.
I, The common enriched GO_BP pathways with GSEA when comparing Trans vs. Epi and Trans vs. Mes. There are 49 common pathways, including 5 pathways related to Ribosome Biogenesis (RiBi) or rRNA processing. Pathway names are shown in Supplementary Fig S4B.
J, GSEA plots showing the specific enrichment of Ribosome Biogenesis (RiBi) pathway in EMT transitioning (Trans) cells compared to the Epi or Mes cells.
K, The scatter plot displays the correlation of RiBi activity to EMT pseudotime. The polynomial regression line (order = 3) highlights the elevated RiBi pathway in Trans phase cells, R2 = 0.348, P < 0.001.