NALCN is required for NA-mediated shift in rheobase. A1, Profile of voltage responses to current steps. Simple and complex spikes evoked by +200 pA. A2, Raster plot of spike timings during different level of current injection. B1, B2, same cell as in A but in presence of 10 μM NA (indicated by red traces and markers). C, D as in A, B but for recordings from a CWC from a NALCN KO mouse. E, Spike rate calculated from data in A2 and B2 plotted as function of current level. F, Data from E normalized to peak firing rate. G, Spike rate calculated from data in C2 and D2 plotted as function of current level. H, Data from G normalized to peak firing rate. I, Summary data (mean ± SEM) for ratio of change in rheobase of CWC from WT and KO mice with 10 μM NA, NA + idazoxan, and hyperpolarization conditions. Significance: * <0.05; ** < 0.01; *** < 0.001. Dashed line in A1, C1, D1 indicates zero mV.