Diversified γ-PCDHs were critical for synapse formation in cortical neurons.
(A) The diagram of a sequential in utero electroporation at E14.5 and E15.5. (B) The overexpressed γ-PCDH isoforms in different sets of experiments to achieve different similarity levels between neurons. S.l., Similarity level; EP, Electroporation; P., plasmids mixture; s./d., same/different isoforms in two electroporations. (C) A sample image of recorded neurons after two times of electroporation at E14.5 with plasmids carrying mNeongreen and E15.5 with plasmids carrying mRuby3. In this sample, cells 3 and 4 are mNeongreen positive, cell 6 is mRuby3 positive, and cells 1, 2, and 5 are negative ones without fluorescence. Neurobiotin was added into the internal solution to indicate recorded neurons. The translucent arrows showed the positions of electrodes. Scale bar, left, 100μm, right, 25μm. (D) The connectivity probability for neuron pairs overexpressed different batch of γ-PCDHs isoforms (labeled with different fluorescence) after a sequential in utero electroporation. Chi-square test and false discovery rate (FDR) correction were used to determine the statistical difference. (E) The correlation between the similarity level of overexpressed γ-PCDHs combination and the probability of synaptic connection rate (The source data were the same as d). (F) The graph summary of γ-PCDHs’ effect on synapse formation.