Total 7,459,709 origins defined by four types of techniques show different genomic features.
(a) Data processing pipeline. 113 publicly available profiles of origins are processed following the pipeline. (b) Number of samples collected for each technique. In total 7,459,709 union origins were identified. (c) PCA shows the clustering of origin datasets from different techniques. (d) Genomic annotation (TSS, exon, intron and intergenic regions) of different groups of origins. Background is the percentage of each annotation on whole genome. (e) Overlap with TF hotspots for different groups of origins. (f) Overlap with constitutive CTCF binding sites for different groups of origins. (g) GC content of different groups of origins. Grey line marks the average GC content of human genome. (h) G-quadruplex overlapping rates of different group of origins.