Effects of ATP-independent MT-binding domain of KIF5B on microtubule abundance and alignment at the beta-cell cell periphery.
(A-C) MT organization in MIN6 cells expressing (B) KIFDNwt and KIF5C motor heterodimerized via rapalog treatment, (C) KIFDNmut and KIF5C motor heterodimerized via rapalog treatment and compared to a control cell with no ectopic expressions (A). Top, immunofluorescence staining for tubulin (grayscale, inverted). Blue dotted line indicates the borders of a cell expressing constructs of interest. Bottom in A, f-actin (phalloidin, red) and DAPI (blue). Bottom in B and C, ectopically expressed mCherry-labeled KIFDN constructs (magenta) and BFP-labeled KIF5C motor (green). Laser scanning confocal microscopy maximum intensity projection of 1µm at the ventral side of the cell. Scale bars: 5um. (D) Quantification of mean tubulin intensity within the outer 2µm peripheral area of a cell, in data represented in (A-C). Mean values, black bars. One-way ANOVA, p<0.0001. N=5-15 cells. (E) Histograms of MT directionality within 1um of cell boundary (see Supplemental figure 2-1 for the analysis workflow) in control cells compared to cells expressing heterodimerized KIFDN variants. Data are shown for the summarized detectable tubulin-positive pixels in the analyzed cell population, as represented in (F-H). Unpaired t-test were performed across each bin for all cells, and a K-S test was performed on the overall distribution. The share of MTs parallel to the edge (bin 0-10) is significantly higher in control as compared to the over-expressions. NT control N=138,810 pixels across 9 cells, KIFDNwt + motor N= 48,285 pixels across 9 cells, KIFDNmut + motor N= 40,832 pixels across 10 cells. (F-H) Representative examples of MT directionality analysis quantified in (E). (F) Control cell, no ectopic expressions. (G) Cell expressing KIFDNwt+ Motor. (H) Cell expressing KIFDNmut+ Motor. Overviews of cellular MT networks are shown as threshold to detect individual peripheral MTs (see Supplemental figure 2-1 panel A5). (F1-H2) Directionality analysis outputs of regions from yellow boxes in (F-H) are shown color-coded for the angles between MTs and the nearest cell border (see Supplemental figure 2-1 panel A8). (I) Color code for (F1-H2): MTs parallel to the cell edge, blue; MTs perpendicular to the cell edge, red. Figure 4-Source Data 1