Stimulation-induced plasticity is associated with BBB modulation
a. Timeline of the experimental protocol for stimulations and imaging with blockers application. b. NaFlu permeability maps of the cortical window before (control, left), and after CNQX/AP5 + 30 min stimulation (stim, right). c. PI following CNQX and AP5 compared to a 30 min stimulation, presented as % change from baseline (30 min stim n=6, AP5 n=4, CNQX n=5). d. SEP amplitude in response to 1 min test stimulation. baseline (blue); following cortical application of CNQX (left, red) or AP5 (right, red); following CNQX + 30 min stimulation (left, black); and following AP5 + 30 min stimulation (right, black); e. Left: Max SEP amplitude to 1 min test stimulation following CNQX compared to baseline. Right: SEP amplitude following AP5 compared to baseline. f. SEP amplitude following 30 min stimulation or albumin application compared to AP5, AP5 + 30 min stimulation, CNQX and CNQX + 30 min stimulation. (% change from baseline). g. Permeability maps before (control, left), and after SJN + 30 min stimulation (right). h. PI following SJN application compared to 30 min stimulation (n=5). i. PI following mβCD compared to a 30 min stimulation (n=6). j. SEP amplitude: baseline (blue); following SJN (black); following SJN + 30 min stimulation (red); and following mβCD (right). k-l. SEP amplitude following 30 min stimulation or albumin application compared to SJN and SJN + 30 min stimulation (k), and mβCD, mβCD + 30 min stimulation (l). *p<0.05, **p<0.001, Kruskal-Wallis with FDR correction; data are mean ± SEM. (c-f, h-l).