Dendritic mitochondria are positioned locally in regions having diverse synaptic orientation preferences and broadly in areas of low local Ca2+ activity. A. Illustration of average difference in orientation preference between a target spine (arrowhead) and neighboring spines within 5 µm. B, C. Correlation of local orientation difference and mitochondria volume for short (1 µm, blue) and extended (5 µm radius, orange) distances form the base of a spine. D. Illustration of average local temporal correlation of spines within 5 µm of the target spine. E, F. Correlation of local temporal correlation and mitochondria volume. G. Illustration of local Ca2+ activity, shown as mean trial-to-trial ΔF/F, within 5 µm of the target spine. H, I. Correlation of local average Ca2+ activity and mitochondria volume. r = Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Correlation plots exclude spines that have zero mitochondria volume within the corresponding measurement radius.