CIB2/3 double mutant mice have vestibular dysfunction.
(A) Traces showing the open-field exploratory behavior of P60 Cib2+/+;Cib3+/+, Cib2KO/+;Cib3+/+, Cib2+/+;Cib3KO/KO, Cib2KO/+;Cib3KO/KO and Cib2KO/KO;Cib3KO/KOmutant mice. (B) Examples of head-velocity (grey) and resultant eye-velocity traces evoked during VORd testing. Note, the eye movement is compensatory, and the trace has been inverted to facilitate comparison with head velocity. (C) VORd Gain and phase (mean ± SD) plotted as a function of frequency for Cib2+/+;Cib3KO/KO (n = 4), Cib2KO/+;Cib3KO/KO (n = 5), Cib2KO/KO;Cib3KO/KO (n = 4). (D) OKN gain and phase (mean ± SD) plotted as a function of frequency for Cib2+/+; Cib3KO/KO (n = 4), Cib2KO/+;Cib3KO/KO(n = 5), Cib2KO/KO;Cib3KO/KO (n = 4). (E) VORl gain and phase (mean ± SD) plotted as a function of frequency for Cib2+/+;Cib3KO/KO (n = 4), Cib2KO/+;Cib3KO/KO(n = 5), Cib2KO/KO;Cib3KO/KO(n = 4). Comparisons made with two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test for (A-D); *p < 0.05. (F) Quantification of the number of rotations in 120 seconds (mean ± SEM), showing that, unlike Cib2+/+;Cib3KO/KO, and Cib2KO/+;Cib3KO/KOmice, Cib2KO/KO;Cib3KO/KO mutant mice display a circling behavior and a vestibular defect (t-test) (n = 4 for each genotype). (G) Quantification of the time mice remained on the rotating rod with increasing acceleration (mean ± SEM). Comparisons made with two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test for (F-K); *P<0.002. (Cib2+/+;Cib3KO/KO (n = 6), Cib2KO/+;Cib3KO/KO (n = 6), Cib2KO/KO;Cib3KO/KO (n = 6)). (H) Comparison of power spectra density of head movements in translational axes (top) and rotational axes (bottom) between wild type (Cib2+/+;Cib3KO/KO, black), heterozygous mutants (Cib2KO/+;Cib3KO/KO, blue), and homozygous mutants (Cib2KO/KO;Cib3KO/KO, red). The double knockout Cib2KO/KO;Cib3KO/KO exhibit significantly higher power than Cib2+/+;Cib3KO/KO and Cib2KO/+;Cib3KO/KO across all frequencies (0–30 Hz), in all six translational and rotational axes.