Col11a1 regulation of Mmp3 expression in cartilage.
a) PCR assay of Col11a1 excision in Col11a1fl/fl cultured costal chondrocytes.
b) Gene expression levels from Col11a1fl/fl cultured costal chondrocytes transduced with GFP (Ad5-GFP, left) or Cre-expressing adenovirus (Ad5-cre, right) as determined by qRT-PCR. Each value represents the ratio of each gene expression to that of GAPDH, and values are mean ± standard deviation. The expression value of control Ad5-GFP results was arbitrarily set at 1.0. Statistical differences were determined using a two-sided unpaired t test (P*<0.05). Results shown for N≥3 biologic replicates, each including 3 technical replicates.
c) Western blot detection of collagen α1(XI), MMP3, and GAPDH loading control in cultured costal chondrocytes after Ad5-GFP or Ad5-cre transduction. Results are representative of N= 4 biologic replicates. Protein size ladder is shown in lane 1. Quantification of bands detected by Western blotting, where scramble results were set to 1.0, is shown at right.
d) Gene expression levels from dissected Col11a1fl/fl ATC costal cartilage, analyzed as described in a). Results shown for N=3 biologic replicates, each including 3 technical replicates.