Condensin takes part in telomere disjunction during anaphase in a decatenation- independent manner.
(A) left panel: WT or cut14-208 condensin mutant cells shifted to the restrictive temperature of 36°C for three hours were fixed with formaldehyde and directly imaged. Telomeres were visualized via Taz1-GFP (green), kinetochores/centromeres via Mis6-RFP (red), and spindle pole bodies (SPBs) via Cdc11-CFP (blue). Right panel: number of telomeric foci according to the distance between SPBs at 36°C (n>90 cells for each strain). The data shown are from a single representative experiment out of three repeats. (B) Same procedure as in (A) applied to the cut3-477 condensin mutant. (C) Genomic DNA from the indicated strains cultured at 32°C was digested with ApaI and Southern blotted using a telomeric probe (green), as represented by the grey bar. The relative gain or loss of telomeric DNA compare to WT is indicated. (D) Cells expressing Taz1-GFP and Cdc11-CFP, cultured at 25°C, were shifted to 19°C (restrictive temperature of top2-250) or 36°C (restrictive temperature of cut3-477), further incubated for 3 hours and fixed with formaldehyde. DNA was stained with DAPI, chromosome and telomere separation in anaphase (distance between the SPBs > 5 µm) were assessed. Shown are averages and SD obtained from three independent experiments (n=100 cells for each condition). (E) Left panel: Live imaging of telomere separation according to the length of the mitotic spindle (distance between the SPBs) in top2-250 cells undergoing mitosis at 25°C or after a shift to the restrictive temperature of 19°C using fast microfluidic temperature control. Right panel: number of telomeric foci according to the distance between SPBs at 25°C or 19°C in the top2-250 mutant. Shown is a representative experiment out of three replicates with n>70 cells, each.