Schematic of the high-resolution-UC2 widefield microscope.
a. Overview of the different component categories of the microscope, from the hardware, through the electronics controlling, to the software and the ImSwitch-based GUI. b. Schematic of the complete setup. Red and blue stars are references to help visualize the 3D structure. Top layer is the commercially bought XY-stage. Timing belts convert motor torque (two grey gears top left) into stage motion (bigger black gear middle) but have been omitted in this representation for clarity. Sample holder can be printed according to the sample used, circular in this case. c. Commercially bought precision Z-stage and high-NA objective (Olympus 60x/1.49 NA TIRF) d. Detection layer, corresponds to the bottom layer in the setup (red star as reference). Emitted fluorescence (dark red light-path) is depicted with a f = 100 mm lens on the detector (Alvium 1800 U-158c CMOS camera from Allied Vision). e. Excitation layer. Laser emission (bright red light-path) is focused by a f = 100 mm lens onto the back focal plane of the objective. The filter cube has a excitation filter (Chroma ZET635/20x EX), a dichroic mirror (Chroma ZT640rdc) and on the bottom a (Chroma ET655lp long-pass) emission filter (for λ > 655 nm) to separate excitation from fluorescence. Laser beam can be magnified and homogenized by using a telescope and a diffusor (rotating cling foil) in the focus point between both lenses. Diffusor is optional and annotated with a red rectangle in the figure. All active optical elements, e.g. mirrors and lenses are mounted to the cubes (50x50x50 mm) via custom 3D printed mounts. Cubes (green) are connected via the puzzle pieces (white).