Violin plots of bird mass by diet, arranged in order of ascending mean mass. Masses were tested for significant differences via phylogenetic HSD. Diets marked with the same letter are not significantly different from one another. Cut-off points between significantly different mass groups (black lines, with 95% CIs as grey lines) were calculated by optimizing the Youden index and plotted. Note that, unlike in other diet treatments herein, granivores are not separated into husking and swallowing granivores. Mean bohaiornithid mass estimates are plotted for comparison, see Table 1. Diet abbreviations: Tetra Hunt, Tetrapod Hunter. Fossil taxon abbreviations: Be, Beiguornis khinganensis MHGU-F307/8; Bi, Bohaiornithidae indet. CUGB P1202; Bo1, Bohaiornis LPM B00167; Bo2, Bohaiornis IVPP V17963; L1, Longusunguis IVPP V17964; L2, Longusunguis IVPP V18693; P1, Parabohaiornis IVPP V18691; P2, Parabohaiornis IVPP V28398; Sh, Shenqiornis DNHM D2950/1; Su, Sulcavis BMNH Ph-805; cSu, cf. Sulcavis BMNHC-Ph1204; Z1, Zhouornis CNUVB-0903, Z2, Zhouornis BMNHC Ph 756.