Normalized mean pupil responses using the neutral condition as baseline, plotted against happy and sad conditions, and the relevant correlation. (A) In Experiment 1a, the group average pupil response to happy intact BM is significantly larger than that to sad and neutral BM, while the pupil size induced by sad BM is significantly smaller than that evoked by neutral BM. (B-C) Moreover, such an emotional modulation on pupil sizes was again identified in the test and retest of the replication experiment (Experiment 1b). (D) In Experiment 2, no significant differences in pupil responses were observed for inverted BM. (E) In Experiment 3, when the biological characteristic was deprived from the emotional BM, it failed to induce any modulations on pupil sizes. (F) In Experiment 4, both the happy and sad local BM induced a significantly larger pupil size than neutral local BM, with no significant difference between the happy and sad condition. All the pupil data are in arbitrary units (a.u.). Each point represents one individual data. Error bars showed standard errors of the mean. * p < .05, ** p < .01.