Longitudinal familial audio recording.
(A) Recording apparatus. Four ultrasonic microphones sampled at 125 kHz continuously recorded a family in an enlarged environment. (B) Experiment timeline. Three gerbil families with the same family composition (2 adults, 4 pups) were recorded continuously for 20 days. (C) Extraction of sound events from raw audio using sound amplitude thresholding (Gray threshold = “th_2”, black threshold = “th_1” and “th_3”; see Methods). Vocalizations (n=583,237) are separated from non-vocal sounds (n=9,684,735) using a threshold on spectral flatness (Figure S1, see methods). (D) Summary of total sound event emission and average emission per hour. (E) Proportion of all sound events that are vocal or non-vocal sounds. (F) Summary of total vocalization emission and average emission per hour.