Reduced representation of color contrast in mouse V1 for lower ambient light levels.
a, Distribution of spectral contrast of center ETAs of all neurons recorded in posterior V1, for photopic (top, n=1,616 cells, n=3 recording fields, n=3 mice), high mesopic (middle, n=1,485 cells, n=3 recording fields, n=3 mice) and low mesopic (bottom, n=1,295 cells, n=3 recording fields, n=3 mice) ambient light levels. Black dotted lines indicate mean of distribution. Spectral contrast significantly differed across all combinations of light levels (T-test for unpaired data, p-value was adjusted for multiple comparisons using Bonferroni correction). The triangle on the right indicates UV sensitivity of the neurons, which is decreasing with lower ambient light levels. b Density plot of peak amplitudes of center (left) and surround (right) ETAs. Red lines correspond to axes of principal components (PCs) obtained from a principal component analysis (PCA) on the center or surround data, with percentage of variance explained along the polarity and color axis indicated. Top row shows high mesopic (n=3,522 cells, n=6 recording fields, n=3 mice) and bottom row low mesopic (n=2,705 cells, n=6 recording fields, n=3 mice) light levels. c, Discriminability (in bits) of luminance contrast (On versus Off) for the center across the three light levels tested, obtained from training support vector machine (SVM) decoders based on recorded noise responses of V1 neurons. Right plot shows the discriminability of luminance contrast for n=500 neurons for center and surround. Dots show decoding performance of 10 train/test trial splits. For n=500 neurons, decoding discriminability of the center was not significantly different across light levels (T-test for unpaired data, p-value was adjusted for multiple comparisons using Bonferroni correction). The surround discriminability was significantly lower than the center for the photopic condition. d, Like (c), but showing discriminability of color contrast (green versus UV). Decoding discriminability was significantly different between center and surround for all three light levels. In addition, discriminability for the center was significantly different between photopic and mesopic conditions, but not between the two mesopic conditions (T-test for unpaired data, p-value was adjusted for multiple comparisons using Bonferroni correction).