Antibody sustainers had highly expanded S-reactive Tfh clonotypes.
(A) Anti-S IgG titer of serum samples from sustainers and decliners is shown individually. (B, C, E, and F) UMAP projection of T cells in single-cell analysis of post-vaccinated samples collected from all donors. Each dot corresponds to a single cell and is colored according to the samples from different time points of donors. All samples together with annotated cell types (B), samples grouped by donor type (decliners and sustainers) (C), top 16 expanded clonotypes (16 clonotypes that had the most cell numbers from each donor) grouped by donor type (E), and top 16 expanded clonotypes grouped by time point and donor type (F) are shown. Tcm, central memory T cells; Tem, effector memory T cells; Treg, regulatory T cells; γδT, γδ T cells. (D) Tfh signature score and expression levels of the canonical Tfh cell markers, IL21, ICOS, PDCD1 and CD200, are shown as heat maps in the UMAP plot.